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FEMAP freebody: Global vs Local thumbnail

Global vs. Local

In this short tutorial Staff Engineer, Mehdi Razouane, is going to be reviewing valuable capabilities that FEMAP has to offer with the Freebody tool.

FEMAP’s Freebody tool is essential for users that have large models but at the same time have to analyze more localized structures.

With this tool, users can quickly create a load from a global model analysis set and insert that load into a local model for a more detailed and finer mesh analysis. This enables a quick, easy, and efficient way to navigate the default options to go from global to local analysis.

In this short tutorial we will be referencing the NX Nastran User Guide, download a free .pdf of this guide here.

Femap delivers- affordable high-performance FEA modeling for the engineering desktop. Femap is recognized as the world’s leading CAD-independent, Windows-native, pre- and post- processor for advanced engineering finite element analysis. Interested in a FREE TRIAL? Click here!

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FEMAP Freebody Tool
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