Enabling Communication and Collaboration with JT Data in Teamcenter Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the next installment of our Saratech Enablement Series. My name is Andrea Hall, and I am the Customer Relationship Manager here at Saratech, and I'll be your host today.

Presenting today, we have Tom Spilker, who is an Applications Engineer here, Saratech, and he'll be teaching you some tips and tricks today.

First, I wanted to tell you a little bit about the Saratech Enablement Series that we've had such great success with.

We usually run about 30 to 45 minutes, and our training is always led by subject matter experts. We cover topics, including the Femap, NX, Solid Edge, Teamcenter, and much more.

Our goal for this Saratech Enablement Series is to help you get the most out of your software, to share knowledge amongst each other and to build a community of users that will help empower each other.

As always, this is an open forum, and we look forward to you participating in the training.

So if you have any questions or comments during the presentation, please type them into the chat box or the question box, and I'll kindly interrupt Tom and let him know about your comments and questions. And with that, I will pass the baton over to Tom, thank you.

Excellent, thanks, Andrea.

Hello, everyone, I'm Tom Spilker, it's my pleasure to be here today and talk about enabling communication and collaboration with JT.

A quick note about about this presentation today, I'll be using Teamcenter Rapid Start 11 2 and I'll be showing the Siemens Viewer, the Teamcenter Visualization Viewer.

I'll be using the Base Level viewer. This comes out of the box with Teamcenter Rapid Start and Teamcenter.

But this viewer is available with different feature bundles And some of the material I have prepared in Advanced, I use the it's the professional feature bundle. So when you see things like exploded, views or some 3D markup, just realize that that was created using the professional bundle.

And for those interested in the details of those bundles, I've provided the link to the Siemens page and there's fact sheets available for each of those offerings.

OK, So today, we'll go over, let's, let's start with what is 3D.

JP, And we'll talk about the business value, then we'll compare and contrast the characteristics of 3D CAD data against 3D.

JT data, and then we've prepared five common use cases to go through today, and there's a live demo for each of them.

All right. So what is 3D JP?

Well, I took some excerpts from Siemens PLM community and we can see here that it says, 3D JT is the common language of PLM.

It unlocks rich 3D CAD data for use throughout the life cycle of the product life cycle.

This sounds pretty good. This sounds pretty compelling. So, let's get started and let's have a look.

Now, for the Business Value, let's think about CAD and CAD.

Is 3D data that's limited to CAD Expert's using specialized software.

Now, traditionally, CAD data is distributed to downstream users by creating 2D engineering drawings.

So, 3D JT offers an alternative to this traditional method.

JT is a CAD neutral 3D format generated from popular CAD systems.

I've listed those across the bottom, then, in conjunction with the JT data, we use a JT viewer to view an EIS, interrogate, and annotate that data.

So 3D JT data along with the viewer, will enable your teams across your business to access and gain access to that accurate 3D design data, and therefore, it will extend the value of this information far beyond that small community of CAD experts.

This slide is just intended to emphasize that point. So we see on the left the CAD community small set of users, specialized software, and to the right.

The community of users that would make use can make use of 3D JT data is far beyond just the few CAD specialists.

So, some characteristics about 3D

CAD data: wow, specialized users, typically a very small subset of your entire organization.

It requires expensive and sophisticated CAD tools.

There's extensive training required to be proficient using CAD tools.

It's not viable for large model, digital mockup use cases.

And traditionally, to communicate this design to downstream users, Create the week we create the 2D engineering drawings.

Well, that creation of those drawings adds a burden to the CAD specialist.

CAD specialist is working in a 3D world and generating authoring and generating these drawings is, is a burden to them.

In addition to that, when you create your drawings, now you have to manage them. You have to worry about your version control and you're adding additional process overhead.

And then in addition to that, 2D engineering drawings require a skill by the recipient to interpret them correctly.

So this interpretation on the part of the recipient is an opportunity it introduces a potential for making mistakes and sometimes costly mistakes.

Now some characteristics of 3D JT data.

It is an ISO standard CAD neutral 3D format, it's mature, it's widely used, it was designed, it is intended to support large model, digital mockup use cases.

It's an accurate, lightweight format.

It can retain the 3D CAD mathematical definitions, the CAD properties, and the CAD PMI.

It's an open data format, that's supported through the Siemens, JT open and this allows participants to read and write 3D JT data from numerous applications.

And 3D JT is supported in a variety of 3D viewers.

There's no extensive training needed for a JT viewer as compared to CAD.

Now, there's a purple bullet in the middle. And I wanted to share with this audience that we had a customer experience.

And the customer was very skeptical of the JT data.

And they thought about it. They thought of it as a cartoon, that it wasn't something viable for use throughout their organization.

And we, when, when working with them and once, and to understand that the JT does retain the original CAD definitions and that interrogation of the JT measurements and so forth, use that math definition.

So the results shown by JT are accurate, and they're accurate, because they're based on the CAD math definitions.

Um, there is somewhat of an, a science and an art in creating the ... data.

And Saratech is available to help do consulting, and we can, we can work with customers to tune and optimize the ... creation. And that's certainly an option that is available.

Now, PMI this term PMI, customers have asked a lot about that, and they're interested.

So let's, let's take a minute and let's, let's examine PMI.

PMI stands for Product and Manufacturing Information and today, many engineering organizations are moving away from 2D Drawings.

3D, JT, PMI is created from the CAD feature's dimensions Intolerances.

Some CAD systems call this geometric features, Geometric dimensions Intolerances so G D and T F D and T JT with PMI, support, with PMI, supports the migration, towards model based definition, and model based Enterprise. and that progression is shown on this slide and many of our customers. and perhaps many of you, are somewhere along that journey.

So, just to show a little more on the left, here's a CAD model with what I'm depicting as rock had features dimensions. Intolerances.

On the right is a screenshot from the Siemens JT viewer.

And you can see along the top, there is a PMI tree where these features and dimensions can be accessed directly and in their raw format.

But that's not a good way to distribute that and provide that for downstream use.


what the CAD designer will do is create different views to organize and filter this information for downstream recipients.

And we can see that listed in the Siemens viewer, it's called Model Views.

So the CAD views that had been set up will also be available in the Siemens viewer using this JT data and we can see recognizable views like back, bottom, front, et cetera.

OK, so, five use Cases we're going to talk about today.

First one will be doing 3D.

Part Viewing, and while a 2D drawing is not a JT format, we'll go ahead and take a look at using the viewer inside Seaman's too to examine 2D Drunks.

OK, so, here I am in my Teamcenter, I'm in my Home location, and I have some folders.

As I highlight a part, by using the viewer tab, we can see that this is a CAD model, and it contains 3D JT data.

So, with the viewer that's embedded in my team's center, I have the ability to interact. With this 3D data, I can rotate, I can pan, I can zoom, I'm not looking at: can I don't have a CAD system, there's no CAD involved, the CAD was used to create the CAD model, it now contains JT.

And anyone using Teamcenter can interrogate this no need for CAD, awareness or CAD tools.

If I highlight the second part, we can see that there is no 3D data, but there is a 2D drawing.

So, the viewer Recognizes the data available and will display that, OK?

Now, let's move along and let's get a little more interesting, a little more sophisticated and let's talk about 3D assembly viewing.

And what we'll do is we'll use the Teamcenter Structure Manager and we'll show about synchronized 3D viewing with the, with the bill of materials.

OK, so back at the Teamcenter, let's move over to Structure Manager and you notice that I have a Bill of Materials on the left-hand side.

And what I've done is I have enabled the data panel and I'm using the Graphics tab, which activates the embedded viewer, and I can interrogate and interact with this with the models in 3D.

Now, the bill of materials can be configured, and I use the term recipe.

So, almost everybody uses revision rules, and they'll change their revision rules too, to determine what data they're looking at. It might be latest working, it could be released data.

The Bill of Materials also allows us to do things like use options invariance or some customers use revision effectivity or occurrence effectivity. These are all techniques that are supported in the Siemens bomb management. And in that way, different recipes can be applied and the parts will configure in and out based on the recipe that's applied. So, the view we see here is dynamic.

And the point that I wanted to illustrate is, even though the bomb content changes, the synchronization with the viewer stays in place. So regardless of the view that we're seeing, we can interact with this bill of materials and its 3D content dynamically.

Now, I can select any part in the 3D

window, and you notice what happens is the Bill of Materials will expand and highlight the part that was selected.

We can multi select.

And this selection works both ways. I can select in the Bill of Materials, or I can select in 3D.

Now, there's a handy feature I wanted to call out that works really well. When you select apart, oftentimes we want to know its parent dissembling its next higher assembly.

So, simply in 3D

by selecting the part a second time, the viewer synchronizes with the Bill of Materials and jumps to the parent Assembly.

We can select another time and we will continue to walk up the assembly until, and in this case, we reached the top line of the assembly.

So this is a great way to extend your 3D CAD data into your enterprise, and again, there's no use of CAD tools. We're using the Siemens viewer and enabling it within the structure manager application.

All right, excellent.

Now, let's get even more interesting, and let's talk about design reviews.

Now, in this scenario, the design review would be prepared in advance, The material for the design review would be prepared in advance by the lead designer.

And they would use a technique in a data type, called a session file, to capture the review items, and save them for the review team.

You'll see in the demo that we'll use snapshots, and how snapshots support this a design review, can be, and probably should be attended by a community, far beyond the design engineering team.

If you include. And this is certainly an opportunity to include your manufacturing engineering, your product support engineers. Bring them in and involve them early in the change process.

And have them consider the impact of this change. Not just to your design, but what what impact will it have on your manufacturing?

Will there be impact to your tooling? That's a significant cost, and that's something you want to identify early on.

And by engaging this community early, you'll find that the value of your design review is, is greatly enhanced by including an extended team.

All right, let's go have a look.

So, I'm going to move back to my Teamcenter, and what I have highlighted here is this session file, and this session file was prepared for the design review.

To do the design review, we're going to highlight this session, and we're going to launch it into the viewer.

So with the viewer up, we can now go and make use of these thumbnails, these snapshots.

So each of these represents a set of parts and a situation of view state that was set up by the lead, the lead designer, for the intent of what we want to review in this design review session.

So by doing this setup, we can quickly and easily go to the review items just by selecting the thumbnails.

But be aware that the viewers' fully enabled and fully active.

So we can interact with the models in, in a freefall form format. We can still do the selection. We can select parts, and it will highlight in the bill of materials.

We can still walk up to the next higher assembly, so we can interrogate and interact with, with the model, as much as needed, for the purposes of the design review, and if anytime needed, to return to the original state doubleclick. And there we go.

All right.

Let's continue on.

And let's talk about, going even further, Let's extend the use of this information, And let's talk about collaborating with the shop floor.

So in this, in this example, we're talking about material that's being prepared and advanced by a manufacturing engineer, or manufacturing planner.

And the intent here is not a design review, But the intent is to provide, build information to the shop floor.

We'll use the same techniques. Will you re-use this concept of the session file, and the snapshots?

But in this case, we're not conveying design intent, work contain, conveying, build intent.

Our audience is shop floor supervisor. It could be a shop floor manufacturing, liaison engineer.

Now, oftentimes, on the shop floor, they will use the Teamcenter, thin Client, Login, and access the data, and launch the viewer.

And, let's go have a look at this.

OK, let's close our design review.

And I'm going to launch this from the rich client, just understand that on the shop floor, if you don't have the rich client, and that's a common situation, that this is certainly available using the thin client, you would login, You would find the information, launch it into the viewer.

And, as we saw before, we are going to use the snapshots. We're going to leverage these thumbnails.

And in this case, the thumbnails are showing a sequence, a build sequence for an exon installation, The recipient can highlight the, the thumbnails.

They can cycle through them individually, And as we saw before, we have the freedom in the ability to interact with the model. We can zoom in, we can zoom out. We can select parts, get their part number, and interact with the bill of materials.

And at anytime, we can return to the intent, the build steps that were originally authored.

So this is a great way to provide build intent from your manufacturing, engineering, manufacturing, planning community, down to a shop floor, super supervisor or shop floor, manufacturing liaison engineer.

And let's continue that thought and let's go have a look.

At the next example.

So here we're going to talk about shop floor instructions and leveraging a hyperlink, and this can be accomplished with that to accomplish.

This would require some straightforward customization and this is something that we are able to work with you and help.

And let's let's look at what the, what the situation is.

Now within your ... system.

You're fully aware that your MIS system is what drives your, your shop floor technicians to do their work. They login. They use the MIS system.

It describes a collection of work to do a work order, if you will.

The shop floor technician's interact with the MIS system to proceed operation by operation.

It would display the work instructions in, display the information to the shop floor technician that they need for their work.

Now this could be inspection instructions, this could be assembly instructions, and any any situation that you use your musts today.

Now, what I'm showing here, and what I want to call your attention to, is with some straightforward customization, we can add, we can embed a hyperlink into your MDS system with this hyperlink.

This technician does a one click, Excess one click on the hyperlink.

Then, behind the scenes, we would retrieve the team's center, manage data, launch it into the viewer, and present that information to the technician, along with the textual work instructions that have been been provided.

So let's go have a look how this would work.

OK, now let's close off Teamcenter from our last demo.

Let's get Teamcenter out of the way.

And I'm gonna ask you to use your imagination a little bit and indulge me slightly. I don't have an MIS system on my team to leverage. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna ask you to be a little creative and imagine that this is your MIS system.

And this is a caster wheel assembly work instruction.

And we can see that this work instruction is telling me that I have three operations where I'm going to be installing a wheel axle, a mounting bracket, bushing and a mounting brackets.

Now, here's the item of interest, so, what I've done here is I've added into my MES, a. Hyperlink.

Now, the hyperlink is connected to Teamcenter and the data that I want to show with this operation is connected behind the scenes with this hyperlink.

So now the shop floor technician isn't aware of Teamcenter, they're not logging in to Teamcenter there in the MES that they use every day and that they're comfortable with.

And by the presence of the hyperlink, they know that there's visuals.

The manufacturing planner would have included some textual instructions to how to leverage the visuals.

But by simply clicking the hyperlink.

The data is retrieved from Teamcenter and again, we see the viewer launched and we leveraged the snapshots again, and in this way, the shop floor technician can see the, the build intent through a 3D presentation, prepared by the manufacturing planner. Now, this could be a series of snapshots.

It could be a single snapshot using some of the more advanced, authoring features of the viewer.

We could do things like exploded, views, we can do center lines, thrust lines, cross-section, measurements, 3D markup.

This could get more elaborate in a lab, is as elaborate as necessary to communicate to the shop floor technician.

All right.

So, what we've seen today is, you can greatly improve your return on investment, year, your return on your return, on your investment, and extend this accurate 3D design data, far beyond that small community of CAD specialists and, and make it available to all professionals in your organization.

We believe you'll find, and customers are telling us, they find that engaging, manufacturing experts' early in the design phase and in in the product changes validate the product changes, what's the impact to the manufacturing process tooling changes?

And overall, we're hearing, and we believe that this 3D JT ISM is it is a way to help you improve your product design and reduce your overall product costs?

So, with that, I will remain on, and I'm available for any questions anyone might have, and I'll turn it over back to Andrew.

Awesome, thank you Tom, good job.

If, if anyone has any questions, that they weren't able to ask today, you are more than welcome to reach out to us after this session is over. So our next session, the topic is going to be design optimization by means of Convergent Engineering, and Solid Edge, that should be a very popular topic.

Please make sure that you join us, you can register straight from our website.

And that one will be with Edwin Abraham in on November second.

If you are ready to take it to the next level, no matter what product you use, I just want to make sure that everyone understands.

We do offer hands-on training classes for all software users of all levels, and as well as engineering services, which we can address all of your demands for engineering capabilities, and, of course, we also offer additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, and things like that. So if you have any questions about that, please just reach out to us and let us know.

The recording for today will be sent out to each of you, and it will also be posted on our YouTube channel. So make sure you go over to YouTube and subscribe to our channel. That way, you get a notification, Whenever we post new videos. We have lots of helpful things on there.

You're welcome to go on and, and just poke around and see what there is to say. Make sure you follow us on all of our social media pages. And then, one last thing, if you could just stay on for about 30 seconds afterwards, and we do have a short survey. Just let us know how we did today.

And again, in that survey, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions for future session's. You can put that right into the survey. And if there's anything we can follow up with you about, you can put that in there as well. Thank you all so much for spending your time with us today, and have a wonderful day.

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