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June 7, 2024

3D Printing Costs: A Comprehensive Guide

The world of 3D printing offers incredible potential to bring your ideas to life. But for industrial applications, the focus shifts from readily available filaments and resins to a world of advanced materials and high-precision technologies. This blog dives deep into the cost factors of industrial 3D printing.
April 12, 2024

How Long Does 3D Printing Take in 2024?

In today's fast-paced product development world, getting prototypes and final parts into your hands quickly is crucial. Traditional manufacturing methods can take weeks or even months, hindering your ability to iterate and refine your designs. This is 3D Printing where 3D printing steps in as a game-changer.
February 21, 2024

Revolutionizing Aerospace Tooling: The Dynamic Partnership of Saratech and Stretch Forming Corporation (SFC)

In the ever-evolving landscape of manufacturing, innovation and collaboration have become the key drivers of success. Saratech proudly announces an exciting collaboration with Stretch Form Corporation (SFC), a shining example of how two companies, each excelling in their respective fields, can come together to create groundbreaking solutions.
December 1, 2023

Revolutionizing Robotics: The Advantages of 3D Printed EOAT

In the dynamic landscape of industrial automation, End-of-Arm Tooling (EOAT)—or end effectors—emerge as the perfect innovation transforming robotic capabilities. These vital attachments extend the versatility of robotic arms, enabling them to execute an array of tasks with unparalleled speed and precision. It's an exciting time for factory processes, where the ingenuity of EOAT design is revolutionizing production efficiency, product quality, and economic prudence.
August 24, 2023

A Look at the Markforged Mark Two (Gen 2) 3D Printer

The Mark Two Enterprise came on the scene in 2016, with a redesigned composite printing system that created stronger, higher-quality parts. It’s 40 percent faster than the Mark One, on average, and can reinforce much smaller parts. Now Markforged has introduced the Mark Two (Gen 2). Let’s look...
December 29, 2020

How Did COVID-19 Impact Supply Chains in 2020 and Why Additive Manufacturing is the Future?

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic uncovered that traditional supply chains were not as strong as we once thought. Nations, organizations, and groups needed to rapidly manage the effect of inventory network disruption, deal with a dispersed labor force, and relieve pressures from the biggest worldwide pandemic during our lifetime.
August 14, 2020

BigRep Live Virtual Large-Format 3D Printing Demo

Since many of us are at home and can’t travel, Saratech and BigRep are bringing large-format 3D printing to you. Join for a live demo to see BigRep’s large format 3D printers in action, including the STUDIO G2, ONE, and PRO. Also hear from experts on how additive can help you, especially during these uncertain times.
August 3, 2020

How HP 3D Printers Helps with COVID-19 Shortages

HP is committed to assisting the medical community in the fight against COVID-19. Together with their customers and partners combined, HP and their 3D printing line is helping to produce critical parts using additive manufacturing to aid essential workers on the front lines.

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How HP 3D Printers Helps with COVID-19 Shortages
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