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August 14, 2020

BigRep Live Virtual Large-Format 3D Printing Demo

Since many of us are at home and can’t travel, Saratech and BigRep are bringing large-format 3D printing to you. Join for a live demo to see BigRep’s large format 3D printers in action, including the STUDIO G2, ONE, and PRO. Also hear from experts on how additive can help you, especially during these uncertain times.
July 10, 2020

Revision Counter on Datasets in Teamcenter

This video shows you how to turn off an “out of the box” feature to customize a dataset’s revision counter. This will keep the item revision and dataset’s Revision ID the same. Useful for identifying what revision a dataset is, at a glance. The biggest change from this will be a display name on the dataset, it won’t affect any of the properties or attributes on it, and is a reversible process.
May 9, 2020

Editing and Creating RAC/AWC Stylesheets in Teamcenter

This video goes over how to edit existing stylesheets and how to add new ones to Teamcenter. Stylesheets control the display of RAC and AWC alike, and by manipulating stylesheets you can decide what attributes appear when creating new items or datasets and what appears in the Summary or Overview. I will be using Tc 12.1 and using primarily RAC to perform these tasks, with a one example using AWC.

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